Final Remarks
Completing this project has been an invaluable experience. I will never forget the time I spent at Scottsdale Neurofeedback. My mentors were so helpful and understanding -- I couldn't have completed the project without them. I really would like to thank my mentors Jimmy Murray and Dr. Wayne Spence for accepting me as a staff member and guiding me through my months at the clinic. I would also like to thank Rachel Sollenberger and Mr. Robert Gurnee, the director of the clinic, for making me feel so welcome in the workplace. And last, but not least, I need to thank my advisor Mrs. Ricki Miller and my counselor Mr. Eric Throne for supporting me through the entire SRP process.But although my internship has terminated, my time at the clinic is not over -- I have been offered a full time paid position as an assistant Neurofeedback Technician. I will be working under my mentors for the rest of the summer until I leave for college. I have been accepted to University of California - Berkeley's EECS (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science) program and will be attending this fall.
Thank you again to all who helped me complete this project!
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