My Project

At my school, Basis Peoria, every senior completes a research project. and an internship.

The Senior Research Project is a selective program that involves an off-campus research project or internship of the student's choice and design. Students select a BASIS faculty member as their advisor and work with a mentor at their research site. These projects may be completed anywhere in the world. At the end of the trimester, students return to campus and present an analysis of their findings to peers, staff, and parents.

My SRP will focus on the developing area of neurofeedback therapy. This therapy is designed as a method of increasing mental performance, capacity, and potential. It is commonly used as a long-term treatment for neurological disorders, such as ADHD and PTSD. As a form of alternative medicine, neurofeedback therapy is poorly understood. However, its rising popularity has aroused one key question: does it work?

As an intern at Scottsdale Neurofeedback Institute, I will explore how exactly neurofeedback therapy works. My project will focus on whether or not it actually can affect and/or increase an individual’s optimum brain potential. I will train patients over a period of three months, actively charting their neural charts and logging their training sessions. I hope to better understand the correlation between such brain conditions and mental stability/levels of performance. After undergoing my internship, I will grasp how exactly the brain’s electricity is managed and transformed into forms of expression and certain degrees of mental performance.