
The following links will open my completed essays throughout the project. However, I was required to blog post regularly about my findings. To read these posts, please refer to the home screen and the blog archive, located on the right of the screen. These posts contain actual explanations of different neurofeedback concepts, while these reports focus only on required essays. 

Published Reports

Video Presentation: 

Project Proposal: In order to start my research project, I needed to submit a proposal to my school board outlining the aim of my internship. My proposal was approved, allowing me to begin my research.

Project Syllabus: After the receiving the board's approval, I needed to work out all the smaller details of my project: which topics to discuss, how to present my project, which sources I would use etc.. The syllabus I created outlines the activities of my internship and research project on a weekly basis.

Project Presentation: After completing the project, I presented my findings to the research project board of BASIS Peoria. This twenty minute presentation summarized my daily activities as an intern at the clinic and my observations/results. This presentation barely scratches the surface of the neurofeedback therapy field -- for a more in-depth explanation, please see my final research paper.

Final Paper: In this paper, I attempt to concisely explain the science behind neurofeedback -- the theories, methodologies, and subtleties of the practice. I summarize my project from start to finish: my inspiration, the project execution, and reflective analysis. (Note: formatting may be unusual in a web-browser)

Supplemental Document: Descriptions of the various medical databases in the fieldFormatting may also be wrong in browser. 


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